Our process

We make traditional heritage quality mezcal, handcrafted by mezcalero Juan Lopez Olivera in micro batches at our single palenque in the town of El Gramal. It’s in the Yautepec region of Oaxaca, nestled among the Sierra Madre Del Sur Mountains in the ancient homeland of the Chontal people.

Our mezcals are produced entirely from mature single-source agaves grown in our mountainside fields. The cook is done with mesquite and quebracho hardwoods in our conical earthen oven, lasting between 3-4 days. Grinding is started by hand with an axe followed by a pass through a wood chipper, never using animal labor. Fermentation is done in open-air pine tinas. Juan oversees a relatively long, wild fermentation. This usually lasts between 8-12 days dependent on weather conditions. Distillation is done in 350L copper stills. The first pass (shishe) is run completely through and Juan makes his cuts on the second distillation. He eventually brings the mezcal to its desired ABV by cutting with the tails of the distillate (colas), never adding water. The details of production for each lot can be found on the back labels of our bottles.

We believe in the preservation of mezcal as a sustainably hand crafted spirit, both environmentally and culturally. We continue to evolve and always have an eye out for how to decrease our footprint.